Thursday, May 21, 2020

E - French Pronunciation of E

The French letter E can be pronounced several different ways — such as the schwa sound, a long A sound, and short E sounds. Below are examples of the different sounds and sound files to hear the way theyre spoken. Examples of the Various E Sounds Like the E in angel (like a schwa) — listen. This sound is often heard in single syllable words like le, me, etc.Like the vowel sound in weigh except without the y sound at the end — listen. This sound occurs in the following:E with an acute accent: à ©tà ©E in an open syllable (i.e., a syllable that ends in a vowel sound): trajetthe verb endings -er and -ez: manger, veuillez.Like the E in bed — listen. This sound is found in the following:E with a grave accent: exprà ¨sE with a circumflex: tà ªteE followed by a double consonant: belleE in a closed syllable (a syllable that ends in a consonant sound): septAn unaccented E at the end of a word is called an E muet and may or may not be pronounced. French Words With E Click on the links below to hear the words pronounced in French: le  (the)à ©tà ©Ã‚  (summer)manger  (to eat)veuillez  (please)exprà ¨s  (on purpose)tà ªte  (head)belle  (beautiful)sept  (seven)

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